What kind of scientists would we be if not inventing something? Taste the fruits of our labour.
MCQ4Structures is a tool for structural similarity computation based on
molecule tertiary structure representation in torsional angle space.
Although it has been primarily designed to work with RNA structures,
MCQ4Structures can be also applied to proteins (however their
representation is restricted to the backbone angles).
MCQ4Structures was created using Java technology. In order to use the
software, one should have Java Runtime Environment 1.7 installed (JRE is freely available for
More information about this tool is available in the article:
T. Zok, M. Popenda, M. Szachniuk. MCQ4Structures to compute similarity of
molecule structures, Central European Journal of Operations Research
22(3), 2014, 457-474 (doi:10.1007/s10100-013-0296-5).
MCQ4Structures is available as a free Java Webstart application and can be
downloaded from: